
2800 Church Street
Bellingham, WA 98225
I apply my diverse background to both editing as well as web site development.

With a degree in electrical engineering (UC Berkeley), I began my career in hardware design and then migrated to software engineering. I took two years off from engineering to design and build my own house, which led to writing a book for first-time home buyers. Soon this book became a book/software combination.

I returned to engineering as an independent consultant, allowing me more time to focus on writing. I began writing free-lance articles for magazines and newspapers - mostly related to real estate. But soon I branched out and I was publishing articles on a myriad of subjects, such as fire safety, the music industry, software programming, and health care policy.

All this time I was keeping journals of "ideas," mostly snippets of dialogue. I decided that all this dialogue might mean I am a playwright! So I took courses and was soon writing plays. After a few failed attempts I found my plays being produced on stage. More on my writing is HERE.

In 2014, I co-founded the theatre company Bellingham TheatreWorks I am now a house husband for my wife Bree and son Riley. I pursue writing, website design, and editing in between cooking, cleaning or doing the laundry!