Editing & Writing

I can help with writing and editing fiction and non-fiction magazine articles, essays, grant applications, technical documentation, how-to books and articles, memoirs, website text, software documentation and marketing material.

I can also assist with editing scripts for both stage and film. I can edit novels.

While I can provide general advice on how to improve your writing, I am not a writing coach. (The one exception being stage scripts.) I do not "teach" writing, beyond those "aha!" moments you experience upon witnessing your previously thorny paragraph reworked into poetry!
I have a Certificate in Editing from UC Berkeley Extension. I have been trained as a writing coach and volunteered in the Berkeley School District, assisting eighth graders with writing.

When editing, I follow The Chicago Manual of Style, as well as your in-house style sheet. A style sheet is simply a method of ensuring that standard English conventions are followed and applied consistently.

My articles have appeared in multiple magazines, including The Progressive, Option Magazine, Z Magazine, Northern California Home and Garden, Wire, Physicians for a National Health Program, Whole Earth Review, The Phoenix Journal, Visual C++ Developer, HowlRound and The Dramatist. I wrote a book that sold over 10,000 copies.

My stage plays have been produced in London, Edinburgh, New York City, Philadelphia, Boulder, Los Angeles, San Diego, Seattle, Bellingham, Portland, Sacramento, San Francisco and elsewhere. More on my writing is HERE.